Who We Are
Inspiring everyone to care for our local environment
Green Saves Green is a regional, all-volunteer environmental action group formed in 2017.
We care about clean air and water, a strong economy, and a healthy planet.
We engage with our communities to address the problems we face.
We believe collaboration is the best strategy to reach our goals.
We work to protect our natural resources for future generations to enjoy.
What We Do
We protect our waterways.
We clean up our communities and help students clean up their campuses.
We engage students in outdoor environmental learning.
We improve our local trails.
We give away free trees.
We support the use of native trees and plants in landscaping.
We host events for families to learn about and connect with the outdoors.
We encourage reduction in the use of single-use plastics.
We support local wind and solar energy.
2023-25: Pasquotank Paddle Trails Project
Our months-long paddle trails project took a giant step forward in August 2024 when the grant writers for Pasquotank County and Elizabeth City collaborated on a Great Trails State Grant application.
GSG was instrumental in gathering nearly 50 letters of support for the proposal from individuals, businesses and local organizations, and pledges of more than $11,000 toward the city/county required match of $25,000.
City officials expect to receive word on the grant by early spring 2025.
Jan 2022: Rotary Community Corps
Green Saves Green established a formal partnership with the Elizabeth City Morning Rotary Club to work on special projects which align with the missions of both organizations.
The Rotary Community Corps is made up of members from both groups who work together to identify local needs and plan joint projects.
The group’s first project was to raise an estimated $50,000 for the restoration of the north end of the Fenwick-Hollowell Wetlands Trail and work with the College of the Albemarle on a development plan for the adjacent land.
March 2019: First Electric Car Charging Station in Elizabeth City
Proposed by GSG member Phil Donahue, supported by City of Elizabeth City.
Dual charging station installed at Mariner’s Wharf in Elizabeth City in March 2019.
2019: Sustainable Community Proclamations
Proposed by GSG members Lee Leidy and Phil Donahue.
Proclamation passed by Elizabeth City Council January 14, 2019.
Proclamation passed by Pasquotank County April 1, 2019.
June 2018: Reinventing Power
• Renewable energy documentary featuring Amazon Wind Farm East drew 100 attendees.
• Green Saves Green co-hosted the film showing with the NC Sierra Club.
• Local farmers Steve Harris and Horace Pritchard were featured in the film. -
March 2018: Green Saves Green Expo
Theme: Go Green, Save Money, Save the Planet.
• 1,600+ attendees, 60+ exhibitors and vendors.
• 6 speakers, 16 sponsors.
• 6 van tours of the Amazon East Wind Farm: every seat filled. -
Litter Cleanups
More than a thousand volunteers have removed more than 2,500 bags of trash and hundreds of pounds of other debris from our schools, neighborhoods, roadsides, trails, parks, and waterways.