Albemarle Watershed Watch
In 2017, we started seeing some changes in the water quality right in our own backyards. Knowing you can’t fix a problem unless you know the cause, a group of us came together to help understand why we were seeing toxic algal blooms in our beautiful waterways.
Once per month we head out to various sites on the Little River, Pasquotank River, and several of their tributaries to collect water samples, test nutrient levels., and record other data. The samples and data are sent to the NC Department of Agriculture for analysis and to professors at NCSU and UNC conducting various studies. Our goal is to work with other groups and agencies to determine what is causing the river to be out of balance and to bring awareness and find solutions.
The grant-funded project concluded in October 2024. We are hoping for new grant funding to continue our monthly water sampling.
We will, however, be keeping our eyes on the water and plan to collect water samples when an algal bloom occurs.
Albemarle RC&D Spring 2020 Newsletter highlighting our efforts.
Click here for more information on local efforts in fighting algal blooms.