Catherine Gray
Chowan County
They are delightful when not heavy with algae
Earl Smith
Chowan County
I thank all who are involved in this effort to clean up the waterways in northeastern North Carolina. My plea is the State would play a leadership role in this effort and do what is necessary.
Dorothy Smith
Chowan County
Happy that your organization is giving a voice for those of us who have in past years enjoyed the beautiful Chowan River. It is heartbreaking to see the river in such a decline that we are afraid to let our children and grandchildren enter the water. Hopefully, our state officials will be inclined to take notice, and provide the funding and expertise to address the problem, and restore the beautiful rivers of North Carolina. Thank you for your efforts.
Eric Smith
Currituck County
I would like to solve the algae bloom issue and restore the water quality of the rivers and sounds. The algae blooms are a serious health concern which is impacting property values, due to the water not being accessible for enjoyment or ones livelihood.
Donna Williman
Chowan County
I’ve enjoyed spending summers on the Chowan River for over 50 years. The algae blooms this summer were very frightening and curtailed all water activities. The change to the river threatens our family vacation routines and the natural resources of this beautiful area. Please provide funds and guidelines to protect this precious environment.
Linda Fusco
Pasquotank County
There is an issue that needs to be addressed to preserve our waterways and quality of life .
Rosana Castilho
Currituck County
We are surrounded by water!! Let’s take care of this beautiful and important sounds, and rivers!
Debra Martello
Pasquotank County
Blackwell Memorial Baptist Church
Pasquotank County
Steve Harris
Mark Audette
Chowan County
Please let’s do our part to keep our waterways healthy!
James Hester
Pasquotank County
Brenda Hester
Pasquotank County
Carl Austin
Pasquotank County
I live on the Little River at Hobbs Landing and have dogs and livestock. I want updates on water quality for the safety of my pets and livestock
John Prewett
Perquimans County
I want the State to take action urgently. A fish kill occurred in Suttons Creek (off Perquimans River) this year and it killed everything. As far as I can tell, all fish in the creek died. Also clams and crabs died too. DISASTER! We don't know when it is safe to swim or ingest fish & crabs. When has the algae gone? I can see when the color dissipates, but when is the water safe once more? Thanks for listening.
George Stallings
Perquimans County
Rose Jacot
Perquimans County
Patricia Daniels
Pasquotank County
The quality of our rivers is essential to our quality of life and that of the ecosystems of the region. We must determine the cause(s) and solutions to rectify the problem to provide a better quality of life for all.
Lori Miles
Jessica Corliss
Pasquotank County
Let's clean up our rivers and waterways!
Steve Harris
Pasquotank County