Litter Sweep
Litter Sweeps are easy, fun, and a great way for families and students to get involved in their community.
Join us in one of our group cleanups, or gather your family, friends, neighbors, or colleagues and do your own cleanup anytime, anywhere.
Need supplies for your cleanup? We’ve got them to loan out. Contact us at greensavesgreennc@gmail.com for details.
Let’s Pick It Up!
GSG 2024 Fall Litter Sweep
9-11 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 26
Dixieland Speedway Pit Entrance
1520 Northside Road, Elizabeth City
Calling all Litter Sweepers! Green Saves Green is gearing up for our 2024 Fall Litter Sweep, and we need your help. This year, we’ll clean up about 1 mile of Northside Road.
No need to sign up. Just show up. Everyone welcome. Please join us!
Questions? Email greensavesgreennc@gmail.com
DIY Litter Cleanup
If you are a proud owner of a Green Saves Green Litter Sweep kit, choose the day and time for your cleanup. Go by yourself or invite others. Clean up your neighborhood, public park, bike path, or a roadside.
Be sure to follow the DOT safety guidelines.
Please take photos of your cleanup and don’t forget to email them to greensavesgreennc@gmail.com.
Community Cleanups
Got a group at your school, church, club, or business and want to do a litter cleanup? We want to help! We have cleanup supplies to loan out. Give us the day and time, and we will show up with all the supplies you need to do your cleanup.
Email greensavesgreennc@gmail.com for more details.
River Sweep
Got a boat, paddle board, canoe, or kayak? Do a cleanup on your own of a local waterway anytime. The fish and other river critters thank you for it. The waterways are their home; we’re just visitors. Let’s help keep our beautiful rivers clean.
Please take photos of your cleanup and email to greensavesgreennc@gmail.com. We’d love to share your cleanup.
Thank you, Litter Sweepers!